SEU CPDS launches soft skills programme with UNDP

Department of Career & Professional Development Services (CPDS) of Southeast University (SEU) in collaboration with UNDP's Futurenation organised a soft skills development programme's inauguration session titled "Employability Master Class & Scholarship Awarding Ceremony". The programme was held on December 11 at the SEU Multipurpose Hall.
Prof. Yusuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of SEU, graced the programme as the Chief Guest while Prof. M Mofazzal Hossain, PhD, Pro Vice Chancellor of SEU, was the Special Guest. Mohammad Namuddoza, Director, CPDS, delivered the welcome speech. Debashish Roy, Private Sector Specialist and National Project Manager, Futurenation, UNDP, also spoke at the event.
Rifaqat Rasheed, Head of Talent Management and Governance (P&O), Grameenphone, conducted the career session. Later, Futurenation awarded 915 scholarships on a British Council course and 200 scholarships on tech courses to SEU students. Among others, the Registrar, Additional Registrar, Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) department, Board of Trustees Secretary, CML Director, and other officials were also present during the programme.