
NSU ranked in QS Subject 2024 for three subject categories

World University Rankings by Subject 2024 by the prestigious ranking platform QS has been published recently, where North South University (NSU) has been ranked for three Subject categories.

NSU and Dhaka University are jointly listed in the 351-400 band for the "Business & Management Studies" category. Only two Bangladeshi universities are listed for this category. NSU's Business and Management is a ranked programme by QS for a good number of years. For the "Computer Science and Information Systems" category, NSU stands within the 651-700 band and is preceded by Dhaka University and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Also, NSU has been ranked for its Economics & Econometrics programme for the first time this 2024, within the 451-500 band. The only other university qualified for this Subject category is Dhaka University. For all the above three subject rankings, NSU is the only private university ranked from Bangladesh.

This year's QS Rankings by Subject features 55 individual subjects across five broad subject areas. 1,559 institutions have been ranked worldwide across these subjects. NSU has been consistently ranked in Subject categories.

Professor Atiqul Islam, the Vice-Chancellor of NSU, expressed his contentment with the results, thanking the support of the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission while adding that "NSU will continue in its path of achieving even more glory in coming years." Qualifying for the Economics & Econometrics programme for the first time shows NSU's commitment towards comprehensive excellence.


NSU ranked in QS Subject 2024 for three subject categories

World University Rankings by Subject 2024 by the prestigious ranking platform QS has been published recently, where North South University (NSU) has been ranked for three Subject categories.

NSU and Dhaka University are jointly listed in the 351-400 band for the "Business & Management Studies" category. Only two Bangladeshi universities are listed for this category. NSU's Business and Management is a ranked programme by QS for a good number of years. For the "Computer Science and Information Systems" category, NSU stands within the 651-700 band and is preceded by Dhaka University and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Also, NSU has been ranked for its Economics & Econometrics programme for the first time this 2024, within the 451-500 band. The only other university qualified for this Subject category is Dhaka University. For all the above three subject rankings, NSU is the only private university ranked from Bangladesh.

This year's QS Rankings by Subject features 55 individual subjects across five broad subject areas. 1,559 institutions have been ranked worldwide across these subjects. NSU has been consistently ranked in Subject categories.

Professor Atiqul Islam, the Vice-Chancellor of NSU, expressed his contentment with the results, thanking the support of the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission while adding that "NSU will continue in its path of achieving even more glory in coming years." Qualifying for the Economics & Econometrics programme for the first time shows NSU's commitment towards comprehensive excellence.


আতিউর রহমান

২৮৭ কোটি টাকা আত্মসাৎ: সাবেক গর্ভনর আতিউরসহ ২৭ জনের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা

আসামিদের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের সাবেক গভর্নর আতিউর রহমান এবং অর্থনীতিবিদ আবুল বারাকাতসহ মোট ২৭ জন রয়েছেন।

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