Top 20 loan defaulters have Tk 19,283.93 crore in debt

The top 20 defaulters in the country have a total debt of Tk 19,283.93 crore while the amount of defaulted loans is Tk 16,587.92 crore.
Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal revealed the amount in parliament today responding to a tabled question from ruling Awami League lawmaker Shahiduzzaman Sarker.
The finance minister placed the list of top 20 loan defaulters, the amount of total debt and the amount of defaulted loans.
He also informed the House that the total number of defaulters in the country is 786,065.
According to the list, among the top 20 loan defaulters, the debt status of CLC Power Company Ltd is Tk 1,732.92 crore while their defaulted debt is 1,649.44 crore.
Western Marine Shipyard Ltd has Tk 1,855.39 crore in debt and its defaulted debt is Tk 1,529.74 crore while Remex Footwear Ltd's debt Tk 1,077.63 crore and all those amounts are defaulted loans.
Rising Steel Company Ltd's debt is Tk 1,142.76 crore and defaulted debt Tk 990.28 crore; Mohammad Elias Brothers (Pvt) Ltd's debt is Tk 965.60 crore and all those amounts are defaulted loans.
The amounts of Rupali Composite Leather Wire Ltd's debt status and amount of defaulted loans are same, Tk 873.29 lakh.
Crescent Leathers Products Ltd's status and amount of defaulted loans are Tk 855.22 crore.
The status and amount of defaulted loans of Quantum Power Systems Ltd are Tk 811.33 crore.
The debt status of Saad Musa Fabrics Ltd is Tk 1,131.83 crore, the amount of their defaulted loans is Tk 776.63 crore.
The debt status of amount of BR Spinning Mills Ltd and the amount of defaulted loans are Tk 721.43 crore.
The debt status of SA Oil Refinery Ltd is Tk 1,172.69 crore and the amount of its defaulted loans is Tk 703.53 crore.
The debt status of Maisha Property Development Ltd is Tk 686.14 crore while the amount of its defaulted loans is Tk 663.18 crore.
The debt status of Radium Composite Textile Ltd is Tk 770.48 crore while it has defaulted on loans of over Tk 660.42 crore.
The debt status of Samannaz Super Oil Ltd is Tk 1,130.68 crore and the amount of defaulted loans is Tk 651.7 crore.
Manha Precast Technology Ltd's debt status and defaulted debt amount are Tk 647.16 crore.
Asian Education Ltd's debt status is Tk 653 crore and the amount of defaulted loans is Tk 635.94 crore.
The debt status of SM Steel Re-Rolling Mills Ltd is Tk 888.71 crore and defaulted loan Tk 630.26 crore.
The debt status of Apollo Steel Complex Ltd is Tk 872.72 crore and defaulted loans Tk 623.34 crore.
The debt Status of Ehsan Steel Re-Rolling Ltd is Tk 624.27 crore and defaulted loans Tk 590.23 crore.
The debt status of Siddiqui Traders is Tk 670.68 crore while the amount of its defaulted loans is Tk 541.20 crore.