
Foreign-funded projects planning minister’s top priority

Abdus Salam says after joining office as planning minister
Foreign-funded projects planning minister’s top priority

Planning Minister Abdus Salam will give highest priority to the foreign-funded projects and will make sure such projects are not delayed, as faster implementation will release more money from the pipeline.

"I understand that foreign-funded projects can get delayed for various reasons. But I want to see what hurdles are there for these projects and I will remove those barriers, as there is no room for compromise."

The minister made the comments while talking to journalists on the first day of joining office at the planning ministry today.

"Two things I want to put emphasis on -- rural connectivity and health sector."

Rural connectivity is an essential part of Bangladesh's economy, he said.

Migration from rural areas will slow if rural people are provided with more work opportunities, he said.

On the other hand, the health sector is plagued with irregularities, but most of which are solvable, Salam said.

"Electricity generation has increased a lot, but supply has been poor, as this sector also has corruption. I will try to reduce them."


Foreign-funded projects planning minister’s top priority

Abdus Salam says after joining office as planning minister
Foreign-funded projects planning minister’s top priority

Planning Minister Abdus Salam will give highest priority to the foreign-funded projects and will make sure such projects are not delayed, as faster implementation will release more money from the pipeline.

"I understand that foreign-funded projects can get delayed for various reasons. But I want to see what hurdles are there for these projects and I will remove those barriers, as there is no room for compromise."

The minister made the comments while talking to journalists on the first day of joining office at the planning ministry today.

"Two things I want to put emphasis on -- rural connectivity and health sector."

Rural connectivity is an essential part of Bangladesh's economy, he said.

Migration from rural areas will slow if rural people are provided with more work opportunities, he said.

On the other hand, the health sector is plagued with irregularities, but most of which are solvable, Salam said.

"Electricity generation has increased a lot, but supply has been poor, as this sector also has corruption. I will try to reduce them."


ধর্ষণের মামলার বিচার দ্রুত-যথাযথ হবে, কঠোর হচ্ছে আইন

ধর্ষণ মামলার বিচার কেবল দ্রুতই নয়, বিচারটা যাতে নিশ্চিত ও যথাযথ হয় সে লক্ষ্যে নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন কঠোর করা হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছেন আইন উপদেষ্টা ড. আসিফ নজরুল।

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