CAB urges energy ministry for not signing Energy Charter Treaty

The Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) today submitted a petition, signed by 25,720 persons, urging the energy ministry for not signing the Energy Charter Treaty as the signing of the treaty will affect the public interest and the nation's energy sector.
The treaty, a multilateral framework for energy cooperation, was signed in 1994 and entered into force in April 1998.
The CAB said it will not be possible to protect the consumers' interest and people's right to energy if the government signs the treaty.
The CAB shared the concern at the time of handing over the petition signed by more than 25,000 persons to Energy and Mineral Resources Division Secretary Md Khairuzzaman Mozumder at his office.
CAB Senior Vice President Prof M Shamsul Alam and General Secretary Advocate Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan led the delegation.
The CAB also demanded the government frame Bangladesh Energy Transition Policy 2022 the association proposed earlier.