
1.21 crore sacrificial animals available this year: minister

Bangladesh has 1.21 crore sacrificial animals available this year for the Eid-ul-Azha, Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim said today.

Last year, the number was hovering around 1.19 crore.

The country has enough cattle to sacrifice this Eid-ul-Azha and there will be no crisis of the animals this year, the minister said.

The minister spoke at an inter-ministerial meeting which was organised to determine the demand, supply of sacrificial animals and ensure their safe transportation during Eid-ul-Azha, at the livestock ministry's conference room in the capital's Farmgate today.


1.21 crore sacrificial animals available this year: minister

Bangladesh has 1.21 crore sacrificial animals available this year for the Eid-ul-Azha, Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim said today.

Last year, the number was hovering around 1.19 crore.

The country has enough cattle to sacrifice this Eid-ul-Azha and there will be no crisis of the animals this year, the minister said.

The minister spoke at an inter-ministerial meeting which was organised to determine the demand, supply of sacrificial animals and ensure their safe transportation during Eid-ul-Azha, at the livestock ministry's conference room in the capital's Farmgate today.


‘পাসপোর্টের পুলিশ ভেরিফিকেশন বাতিলের সুযোগ নিতে পারবে না রোহিঙ্গারা’

স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা বলেন, জনগণকে ভোগান্তি থেকে রক্ষা করতে পাসপোর্টের ভেরিফিকেশন তুলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অনেক দিনের চিন্তাভাবনা থেকেই এই সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়েছে।

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