
Tax return submission deadline now Nov 30

Individual taxpayers have received two months more to submit their returns for the current fiscal year.

The current deadline for returns submission ended today, but it has been extended to November 30, said Syed A Momen, spokesperson of NBR.

The move comes as many found it difficult to gather tax-related documents on time due to the Hajj and holidays for Eid-ul-Azha.

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other trade and professional bodies also urged the tax authority to extend time.

The NBR is yet to compile the total number of tax returns submitted so far this year, but the rate of submission is lower than last year's, according to NBR officials.

During the income tax fair that ended last week, the revenue authority received 1.61 lakh returns and logged in Tk 2,035 crore in tax.

Last year, the NBR extended the deadline for submission of income and wealth statements.


Tax return submission deadline now Nov 30

Individual taxpayers have received two months more to submit their returns for the current fiscal year.

The current deadline for returns submission ended today, but it has been extended to November 30, said Syed A Momen, spokesperson of NBR.

The move comes as many found it difficult to gather tax-related documents on time due to the Hajj and holidays for Eid-ul-Azha.

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other trade and professional bodies also urged the tax authority to extend time.

The NBR is yet to compile the total number of tax returns submitted so far this year, but the rate of submission is lower than last year's, according to NBR officials.

During the income tax fair that ended last week, the revenue authority received 1.61 lakh returns and logged in Tk 2,035 crore in tax.

Last year, the NBR extended the deadline for submission of income and wealth statements.


কুষ্টিয়া, ঝিনাইদহ, সড়ক অবরোধ, ঝাউদিয়া, ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ,

ঝাউদিয়া থানার দাবিতে কুষ্টিয়া-ঝিনাইদহ মহাসড়ক অবরোধ

বিক্ষোভকারীদের দাবি, ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থানা ঝাউদিয়ায় স্থানান্তর নিয়ে সরকারি প্রজ্ঞাপন জারির পরও কোনো ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হয়নি। অবিলম্বে ঝাউদিয়া থানা উদ্বোধন না করা হলে এ আন্দোলন চলবে।

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