MoU signed between CDF and BFP-B

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Credit Development Forum (CDF) and Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B) Project funded by the UKaid/DFID on October 22, 2017 in BFP-B project office.
The purpose of the MoU is aimed to do policy advocacy by strengthening regulatory environment and enable Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to mobilise resources to increase access to finance of Microenterprises, according to a press release from Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B).
Based on policy recommendations from BFP-B study on “Diagnostics of Microenterprise Lending by MFIs in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges” some policy recommendations will be prioritised through series of consultations with MFIs and regulators as part of this partnership.
Mr Feisal Hussain, Team Leader,Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B) Project and Mr Md Abdul Awal, Executive Director, Credit Development Forum (CDF) signed the MoU, says the release.
UKaid, through DFID and their programme Business Finance for the Poor in Bangladesh (BFP-B), supports the partnership activities aiming to mobilise resources for MFIs and increase access to finance of Microenterprises through enabling regulatory environment.