
Dhaka stocks up

The stock market in Bangladesh gained in the first several hours of trading today.

The DSEX, the benchmark index of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), rose 56 points, or 0.83 per cent, to 6,422 until 1:18 pm.

At the DSE, 226 stocks advanced, 106 fell and 45 remained the same.

The index went up for the third consecutive day thanks to the regulator's move to lower the limit of the circuit breaker to stop the free fall of the index.

The DSEX rose 131 points at the end of the trading yesterday.

Tamijtex topped the gainers' list that rose 9.96 per cent followed by WM Shipyard, SBAC bank, IFIC, and Usmania Glass.

Earlier on May 26, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) reduced the lower limit of the circuit breaker so that no stocks can fall more than 2 per cent in a day.


Dhaka stocks up

The stock market in Bangladesh gained in the first several hours of trading today.

The DSEX, the benchmark index of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), rose 56 points, or 0.83 per cent, to 6,422 until 1:18 pm.

At the DSE, 226 stocks advanced, 106 fell and 45 remained the same.

The index went up for the third consecutive day thanks to the regulator's move to lower the limit of the circuit breaker to stop the free fall of the index.

The DSEX rose 131 points at the end of the trading yesterday.

Tamijtex topped the gainers' list that rose 9.96 per cent followed by WM Shipyard, SBAC bank, IFIC, and Usmania Glass.

Earlier on May 26, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) reduced the lower limit of the circuit breaker so that no stocks can fall more than 2 per cent in a day.


নরসিংদীর শিবপুর উপজেলা স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দলের সদস্য সচিব জজ মিয়া। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

আ. লীগ নেতাকে ছাড়িয়ে নিতে পুলিশকে মারধর, স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দল নেতা আটক

স্থানীয় বাসিন্দা ও পুলিশের সদস্যরা জানান, আটক জজ মিয়া একজন পেশাদার সন্ত্রাসী।

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