
Five simple habits that will change your future income

passive income ideas for bangladeshis

How can we increase our income level by following a few simple habits? Why are few of us successful in our financial life?

By studying the habits and practices in their daily life, we can learn life changing habits and implement them in our life in order to become financially successful.

Here are five simple habits of billionaires you can follow in your life that will change your future income significantly.


Knowledge is power and we attain it by reading books. In your working place, if you are known to everyone that you have the knowledge about the changes, you will get extra benefit than others which will increase your payout.

Billionaires are voracious readers to acquire new knowledge and information. Warren Buffet spends 80 percent of his day for reading. It may be industry magazines, the news, or just novels.

Bill Gates reads 50 books a year, or one book a week on average. Most of the books deal with public health, disease, engineering, business, and science.


Networking with successful people will give you an easy access to improve your business. A group of talented people can achieve an impossible job to change the world. So, surround yourself with talented people.

Steve Jobs surrounded himself with other talented people like Steve Wozniak and Tim Cook. His famous quote is: "A players hired A players".

Set goals

Setting a small goal and trying to pursue it makes someone confident. If anyone sets a goal to achieve his dream and determines what has to do to conquer then it will be easy to reach the dream.

Amazon has 310 million customers and $574.8 billion revenue which started from zero on day one. Bezos always kept his focus on long term goals, avoiding short term benefits.

Be positive

Positive attitude does not give us a letdown. Being positive makes us confident which is always important to achieve something.

Mark Zuckerberg is always positive while expressing his appreciation to Facebook employees. He uses words like "better, improvement, amazing and innovate". He also uses phrases such as "great progress", "very big contributors", "good sign", and "pretty meaningful".

Never give up

We all have a dream to fulfill but we give up when we fail. Never let this happen.

Every successful person has failure but they never give up and you all know about Jack Ma who applied for 31 different entry-level jobs and was rejected each time.

After three failures in a row of SpaceX, in an interview Elon Musk was asked: "Do you think you need to pack this?" Elon replied, "Never. I don't ever give up."

Jasim Uddin Rasel is the author of Smart Money Hacks


Five simple habits that will change your future income

passive income ideas for bangladeshis

How can we increase our income level by following a few simple habits? Why are few of us successful in our financial life?

By studying the habits and practices in their daily life, we can learn life changing habits and implement them in our life in order to become financially successful.

Here are five simple habits of billionaires you can follow in your life that will change your future income significantly.


Knowledge is power and we attain it by reading books. In your working place, if you are known to everyone that you have the knowledge about the changes, you will get extra benefit than others which will increase your payout.

Billionaires are voracious readers to acquire new knowledge and information. Warren Buffet spends 80 percent of his day for reading. It may be industry magazines, the news, or just novels.

Bill Gates reads 50 books a year, or one book a week on average. Most of the books deal with public health, disease, engineering, business, and science.


Networking with successful people will give you an easy access to improve your business. A group of talented people can achieve an impossible job to change the world. So, surround yourself with talented people.

Steve Jobs surrounded himself with other talented people like Steve Wozniak and Tim Cook. His famous quote is: "A players hired A players".

Set goals

Setting a small goal and trying to pursue it makes someone confident. If anyone sets a goal to achieve his dream and determines what has to do to conquer then it will be easy to reach the dream.

Amazon has 310 million customers and $574.8 billion revenue which started from zero on day one. Bezos always kept his focus on long term goals, avoiding short term benefits.

Be positive

Positive attitude does not give us a letdown. Being positive makes us confident which is always important to achieve something.

Mark Zuckerberg is always positive while expressing his appreciation to Facebook employees. He uses words like "better, improvement, amazing and innovate". He also uses phrases such as "great progress", "very big contributors", "good sign", and "pretty meaningful".

Never give up

We all have a dream to fulfill but we give up when we fail. Never let this happen.

Every successful person has failure but they never give up and you all know about Jack Ma who applied for 31 different entry-level jobs and was rejected each time.

After three failures in a row of SpaceX, in an interview Elon Musk was asked: "Do you think you need to pack this?" Elon replied, "Never. I don't ever give up."

Jasim Uddin Rasel is the author of Smart Money Hacks


‘রন্ধ্রে রন্ধ্রে সুশীলতা দিনশেষে আমাদের কাল হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে’

‘বর্তমান সরকারের এ ধরনের দয়াপরবশ হয়ে ফ্যাসিস্ট আওয়ামী লীগের নেতাকর্মীদের বিচার কার্যকর করতে স্বেচ্ছায় বিলম্ব করা জুলাই গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাথে অপমানের শামিল।’

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