Govt forms panel to appoint developers for economic zones

The government has formed a committee as part of efforts to appoint developers to establish economic zones in partnership with other country or one or more state organisations.
The developers will be appointed under a government to government initiative as per the Bangladesh Economic Zones (Appointment of Developers) Rules, 2020, according to a circular issued by the Prime Minister's Office on July 11.
An executive member for planning and development of Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority will chair the eight-member body.
The committee will evaluate and scrutinise proposals of the developers, take opinion from experts if necessary, provide necessary suggestions, negotiate with the developers and take decision and send recommendations to the authorities concerned for approval, according to the circular.
The committee will consist of representatives from the PMO, foreign ministry, legislative and parliamentary affairs division, Economic Relations Division, the Central Procurement Technical Unit of the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Bangladesh Investment Development Authority and Public-Private Partnership Authority.