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Tremor jolts Dhaka, some other dists

A tremor jolted different parts of the country, including the capital, yesterday morning.

Measuring 4.7 on the Richter Scale, the tremor was felt around 10:50 am, said Maminul Islam, a meteorologist at Dhaka Met office.

He said the epicentre of the 49-second quake was in Tripura, India, some 75 kilometres off Dhaka.

However, no damage or casualty was reported.


Tremor jolts Dhaka, some other dists

A tremor jolted different parts of the country, including the capital, yesterday morning.

Measuring 4.7 on the Richter Scale, the tremor was felt around 10:50 am, said Maminul Islam, a meteorologist at Dhaka Met office.

He said the epicentre of the 49-second quake was in Tripura, India, some 75 kilometres off Dhaka.

However, no damage or casualty was reported.


বনানী সড়ক-এক্সপ্রেসওয়ে বন্ধ, মানুষের চরম ভোগান্তি

পোশাক শ্রমিকদের অবরোধের কারণে এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়েতেও যানবাহন চলাচল বন্ধ আছে।

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