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Teesta water treaty in future

Says home minister

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal says he believes the Teesta river water-sharing treaty with India will be a reality in future but maintained that relations between the two countries do not depend on this single treaty.

"Any treaty is done on the basis of a mutual interest of both the countries. A treaty cannot be signed by neglecting the interest of a country which is party to it. We feel that Teesta treaty will happen in future. The way the bilateral relations are moving forward, we are hopeful that Teesta treaty will happen sooner or later," he has told PTI in Kolkata during his recent visit to the city.

"It is true that Bangladesh is facing some problems. Water is essential for both the countries," he says.

However, Kamal makes it clear that the future of the India-Bangladesh relations doesn't depend on the Teesta treaty. "The bilateral relationship won't depend on this treaty."

He says the opposition and fundamentalist forces in Bangladesh are using Teesta issue to flare up anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh.

Replying to a query, the home minister says Pakistan needs to be isolated for "harbouring terrorists and supporting terror acts".

"Pakistan has always harboured and supported terrorists. We feel those who support terrorism should be discouraged and isolated. We should do everything to discourage and condemn such attacks. Such kind of terror attacks should not be carried out against any country," Kamal says.

On terror attacks both in India and Bangladesh having roots in Pakistan, he says, "Both India and Bangladesh have the same stand on the issue of terrorism. We have noticed in recent past, how Pakistan's involvement in various terror attacks has come out into the open. This has to stop."


Teesta water treaty in future

Says home minister

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal says he believes the Teesta river water-sharing treaty with India will be a reality in future but maintained that relations between the two countries do not depend on this single treaty.

"Any treaty is done on the basis of a mutual interest of both the countries. A treaty cannot be signed by neglecting the interest of a country which is party to it. We feel that Teesta treaty will happen in future. The way the bilateral relations are moving forward, we are hopeful that Teesta treaty will happen sooner or later," he has told PTI in Kolkata during his recent visit to the city.

"It is true that Bangladesh is facing some problems. Water is essential for both the countries," he says.

However, Kamal makes it clear that the future of the India-Bangladesh relations doesn't depend on the Teesta treaty. "The bilateral relationship won't depend on this treaty."

He says the opposition and fundamentalist forces in Bangladesh are using Teesta issue to flare up anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh.

Replying to a query, the home minister says Pakistan needs to be isolated for "harbouring terrorists and supporting terror acts".

"Pakistan has always harboured and supported terrorists. We feel those who support terrorism should be discouraged and isolated. We should do everything to discourage and condemn such attacks. Such kind of terror attacks should not be carried out against any country," Kamal says.

On terror attacks both in India and Bangladesh having roots in Pakistan, he says, "Both India and Bangladesh have the same stand on the issue of terrorism. We have noticed in recent past, how Pakistan's involvement in various terror attacks has come out into the open. This has to stop."


অযথা সময়ক্ষেপণ করে সরকারে থাকার বিন্দুমাত্র ইচ্ছা আমাদের নেই: আসিফ নজরুল

‘রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে ফেব্রুয়ারির মাঝামাঝির মধ্যে থেকে আলোচনা শুরু করতে আগ্রহী।’

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