
Shamim Osman blasts media for 'maligning lawmakers'

Some particular newspapers have once again started assassinating the character of lawmakers, alleged Shamim Osman while speaking in parliament yesterday.

Shamim, ruling Awami League lawmaker from Narayanganj-4, said he submitted a notice to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Privileges a year ago, seeking his protection from the Jatiya Sangsad as some newspapers “hampered his privileges as an MP by assassinating his character.”

“I did not get any result though a year has passed after submission of the notice,” he told the House with Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.

The newspapers those who had tried to create the grounds for the one-eleven wrote against them, he said, adding that those newspapers now started assassinating the character of lawmakers again.

He said 99 percent of the country's journalists are honest, while the rest is dishonest.

The dishonest journalists, who took journalism to serve ill purposes, are now indirectly trying to create instability in the country, he said while speaking on a point of order.

The ruling party lawmaker also wanted to know about the fate of his notice.

In reply, the speaker said his notice along with others from different MPs was now at the privilege committee and it would make decisions over the notices.


Shamim Osman blasts media for 'maligning lawmakers'

Some particular newspapers have once again started assassinating the character of lawmakers, alleged Shamim Osman while speaking in parliament yesterday.

Shamim, ruling Awami League lawmaker from Narayanganj-4, said he submitted a notice to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Privileges a year ago, seeking his protection from the Jatiya Sangsad as some newspapers “hampered his privileges as an MP by assassinating his character.”

“I did not get any result though a year has passed after submission of the notice,” he told the House with Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.

The newspapers those who had tried to create the grounds for the one-eleven wrote against them, he said, adding that those newspapers now started assassinating the character of lawmakers again.

He said 99 percent of the country's journalists are honest, while the rest is dishonest.

The dishonest journalists, who took journalism to serve ill purposes, are now indirectly trying to create instability in the country, he said while speaking on a point of order.

The ruling party lawmaker also wanted to know about the fate of his notice.

In reply, the speaker said his notice along with others from different MPs was now at the privilege committee and it would make decisions over the notices.


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