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From mechanic to bomb maker

‘Boma Liton' reveals to police his links to 50 attacks in several dists

He was involved in at least 50 bomb attacks in the capital and surrounding areas in the last 15 years, officers said after questioning him. 

Arrested last week, Golam Hossain Liton, 37, has been accused in over 20 separate cases in the last few years filed with different police stations in the capital, they added.

Sahadat Hossain, assistant commissioner of Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, said Liton was a mercenary bomb attacker. It had been difficult to catch him as he didn't use mobile phones in the last couple of years.

Liton was known among his fellows as Boma Liton or Buddha Liton, the officer said, adding that he used to take between Tk 5,000 and 20,000 for exploding bombs.

Sahadat said Liton told these to the interrogators when he was in remand. 

He was arrested near the Kafrul Police Station. Another suspected criminal Robin, who was with him at the time, managed to flee. 

During interrogation, Liton told detectives that he was not good in studies and started working in his brother's motor mechanic shop in Dholaipar when he was 12.

In 2002, he met suspected criminal Shahidul Islam, who was killed a few years ago in a “gunfight”, and stepped into the world of crime.

“Liton learnt the techniques of making bombs when he was a member of Shahid's gang,” said one of the interrogators.

After Shahid's death in 2012, Liton became a mercenary and worked for Jamaat-Shibir and robbers, he said.

He reportedly took part in the countrywide violence in 2013-2014.

In the remand prayer, police mentioned that Liton vandalised vehicles in the capital's Mirpur on August 2. His intention was to turn the demonstration into a subversive act.

Police said Liton named Rubel, Milon and Robin as his gang members.

“We have details of Liton's associates and explosives suppliers. We are conducting drives to arrest them,” Sahadat said.

Liton lives on the top floor of a six-storey building on Lalmohan Saha Street in the capital. His four brothers and two sisters also live in the building.

His elder brother Tara Miah told The Daily Star that he used to keep bad company but had changed in recent years.


From mechanic to bomb maker

‘Boma Liton' reveals to police his links to 50 attacks in several dists

He was involved in at least 50 bomb attacks in the capital and surrounding areas in the last 15 years, officers said after questioning him. 

Arrested last week, Golam Hossain Liton, 37, has been accused in over 20 separate cases in the last few years filed with different police stations in the capital, they added.

Sahadat Hossain, assistant commissioner of Detective Branch of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, said Liton was a mercenary bomb attacker. It had been difficult to catch him as he didn't use mobile phones in the last couple of years.

Liton was known among his fellows as Boma Liton or Buddha Liton, the officer said, adding that he used to take between Tk 5,000 and 20,000 for exploding bombs.

Sahadat said Liton told these to the interrogators when he was in remand. 

He was arrested near the Kafrul Police Station. Another suspected criminal Robin, who was with him at the time, managed to flee. 

During interrogation, Liton told detectives that he was not good in studies and started working in his brother's motor mechanic shop in Dholaipar when he was 12.

In 2002, he met suspected criminal Shahidul Islam, who was killed a few years ago in a “gunfight”, and stepped into the world of crime.

“Liton learnt the techniques of making bombs when he was a member of Shahid's gang,” said one of the interrogators.

After Shahid's death in 2012, Liton became a mercenary and worked for Jamaat-Shibir and robbers, he said.

He reportedly took part in the countrywide violence in 2013-2014.

In the remand prayer, police mentioned that Liton vandalised vehicles in the capital's Mirpur on August 2. His intention was to turn the demonstration into a subversive act.

Police said Liton named Rubel, Milon and Robin as his gang members.

“We have details of Liton's associates and explosives suppliers. We are conducting drives to arrest them,” Sahadat said.

Liton lives on the top floor of a six-storey building on Lalmohan Saha Street in the capital. His four brothers and two sisters also live in the building.

His elder brother Tara Miah told The Daily Star that he used to keep bad company but had changed in recent years.


৫ বছরে ১২ হাজার নারী-কন্যাশিশুর প্রতি সহিংসতা, ৬ হাজারের বেশি ধর্ষণ

‘ক্রমবর্ধমান সহিংসতা, মোরাল পুলিশিং এবং মব সন্ত্রাস নারীর ইস্যুগুলোকে একটি বৃহত্তর সামাজিক উদ্বেগে পরিণত করেছে যার জন্য কেবল নারী নয়, সবার সক্রিয় অংশগ্রহণ প্রয়োজন’

৬ মিনিট আগে