Coming home to tragedy

Hearing the sound of the engine of his father's tractor, three-year old Minhaz rushed out to greet him as usual. What was usually a welcome sight for his father after a day of hard-work, quickly turned into a tragedy yesterday afternoon.
As the child appeared before the vehicle suddenly, his father, Abdul Mannan, failed to stop it in time and ran Minhaz over, killing him on the spot.
The heartbreaking incident occurred at Dangapara village in Boda upazila of Panchagarh.
As news of the accident spread, a pall of gloom descended on the village.
Hundreds of villagers came to the house to pay sympathy to the ill-fated parents.
AKM Nurul Islam, officer-in-charge of Boda Police Station, confirmed the incident.
The family had only the one son Minhaj and the father Mannan is the driver of the tractor, owned by someone else, informed Moshiur Rahman, chairman of Boda Union Parishad.
Mannan used to park his vehicle beside his house after work, the chairman added.