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Body of AL leader found in wetland

The body of a local Awami League leader was recovered from a wetland near his house yesterday morning, three days after his disappearance from Sunamganj district.

Deceased Faruk Miah, 45, of Moishapur village of Chhatak upazila in Sunamganj was the organising secretary of Uttar Khurma Union AL of the upazila.

Atiqur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Chhatak Police Station, said he went missing on Friday night while returning to his house from the local bazaar.

Quoting family members, the OC said his family claimed that he was abducted by rivals on Friday and then killed but that was yet to be confirmed.

After his disappearance, locals recovered his clothes and sandals he was wearing near Haitmara Beal area of the village on Saturday morning.


Body of AL leader found in wetland

The body of a local Awami League leader was recovered from a wetland near his house yesterday morning, three days after his disappearance from Sunamganj district.

Deceased Faruk Miah, 45, of Moishapur village of Chhatak upazila in Sunamganj was the organising secretary of Uttar Khurma Union AL of the upazila.

Atiqur Rahman, officer-in-charge of Chhatak Police Station, said he went missing on Friday night while returning to his house from the local bazaar.

Quoting family members, the OC said his family claimed that he was abducted by rivals on Friday and then killed but that was yet to be confirmed.

After his disappearance, locals recovered his clothes and sandals he was wearing near Haitmara Beal area of the village on Saturday morning.


অর্থ পাচার মামলায় ডেসটিনির এমডি রফিকুলসহ ১৯ জনের ১২ বছর কারাদণ্ড

রফিকুল আমিন, তার স্ত্রী ফারাহ দিবা এবং ডেস্টিনি গ্রুপের চেয়ারম্যান মোহাম্মদ হোসেন বর্তমানে কারাগারে রয়েছেন। জামিনে আছেন ডেস্টিনির প্রেসিডেন্ট লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল (অব.) হারুন-অর-রশিদ।

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