82,500 kids get primary scholarship

The government yesterday published the list of scholarship recipients in Primary Terminal Examinations 2015, increasing the number by 27,500. It also raised the stipend amount for the students.
A total of 82,500 students got scholarships in two categories -- talent pool and general -- on the basis of their results in the exams held in November last year.
Of them, 33,000 students will receive scholarships in the talent-pool category and the remaining in the general category, said Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman while announcing the list at a press briefing in his ministry at the secretariat.
"These scholarships have been awarded to prevent dropouts and increase the students' presence in classroom. It is the recognition of their merit," he said.
Earlier, 55,000 students had been nominated every year for the government stipend since the introduction of the public exam in 2009.
The recipients in the talent-pool category will get Tk 300 per month instead of Tk 200, while those securing scholarships in the general category will receive Tk 225, up from the previous Tk 150.