Zyma Islam

Biman U-turns to buy Airbus planes

In 3 days reconstituted evaluation body finds purchase viable after old committee gave the thumbs down

3d ago

‘Govt meddling in airlines monitoring’

The inspection and monitoring of flight operations of carriers, especially Biman, is hindered by “government involvement”, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has found during a recent inspection.

2w ago

Stuck inside the boat hull, they suffocated

“We could hear them struggling to breathe and dying slowly and there was nothing we could do,” said 45-year-old Gurudas Mondol, who had survived the horrifying boat accident in the Mediterranean Sea on February 14.

4w ago

Rights violations: Home ministry snubs two-thirds of NHRC enquiry requests

Nearly two-thirds of the enquiry requests made by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to the home ministry regarding cases of human rights violations by law enforcement agencies have gone unheeded.

1m ago

Dubious reward for a select few

Only a select 27 employees of NRBC Bank were given salary hikes, and that too astonishingly, in 2022 in violation of banking rules as well as NRBC’s own human resources policy

2m ago

20 plates of rice, 118 plates of curries for a lunch of 4!

NRBC Bank’s top managers have great appetites. 

2m ago

NRBC branch covered up capital flight

Export proceeds worth at least $3.45 million (Tk 34.41 crore) were not repatriated by six customers of NRB Commercial Bank’s Uttara branch, and the bank concealed the trail of the capital flight, according to the bank’s internal audit and case documents.

2m ago

Gun in NRBC Bank boardroom

During the 40th board meeting of NRBC Bank on February 7, 2016, current Chairman Tamal Parvez and Director Adnan Imam entered the boardroom accompanied by a man carrying a large gun. Both Tamal and Adnan were board directors back then.

2m ago
May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

Biman U-turns to buy Airbus planes

In 3 days reconstituted evaluation body finds purchase viable after old committee gave the thumbs down

May 12, 2024
May 12, 2024

‘Govt meddling in airlines monitoring’

The inspection and monitoring of flight operations of carriers, especially Biman, is hindered by “government involvement”, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has found during a recent inspection.

May 3, 2024
May 3, 2024

Stuck inside the boat hull, they suffocated

“We could hear them struggling to breathe and dying slowly and there was nothing we could do,” said 45-year-old Gurudas Mondol, who had survived the horrifying boat accident in the Mediterranean Sea on February 14.

April 5, 2024
April 5, 2024

Rights violations: Home ministry snubs two-thirds of NHRC enquiry requests

Nearly two-thirds of the enquiry requests made by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to the home ministry regarding cases of human rights violations by law enforcement agencies have gone unheeded.

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

20 plates of rice, 118 plates of curries for a lunch of 4!

NRBC Bank’s top managers have great appetites. 

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Dubious reward for a select few

Only a select 27 employees of NRBC Bank were given salary hikes, and that too astonishingly, in 2022 in violation of banking rules as well as NRBC’s own human resources policy

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

NRBC branch covered up capital flight

Export proceeds worth at least $3.45 million (Tk 34.41 crore) were not repatriated by six customers of NRB Commercial Bank’s Uttara branch, and the bank concealed the trail of the capital flight, according to the bank’s internal audit and case documents.

March 21, 2024
March 21, 2024

Gun in NRBC Bank boardroom

During the 40th board meeting of NRBC Bank on February 7, 2016, current Chairman Tamal Parvez and Director Adnan Imam entered the boardroom accompanied by a man carrying a large gun. Both Tamal and Adnan were board directors back then.

March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024

Some user info of Nagad, other entities in public domain

User information of those seemingly having Nagad accounts was being found across several platforms, including Telegram bots, until last week, raising questions about personal data protection.

March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024

A close call for US-Bangla

Disregarding instructions from the air traffic control, a US-Bangla plane got on the runway in Chattogram less than a minute before another aircraft was about to land, yet no probe was initiated about the close shave

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