Wasim Bin Habib

Spending on education falls short of expectations

For example, when the Dakar Declaration came in 2000, the country said it would spend 6 percent of GDP on education. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation recommends earmarking four to six percent of the GDP for the sector.

1m ago

Falling healthcare budget forces people to spend more out of pocket

For instance, the outlay for the health sector was Tk 25,028 crore in 2021-22, representing 4.8 percent of the budget of Tk 518,188 crore. It was five percent in the previous fiscal year when the government spent Tk 21,647 crore under a Tk 460,160 crore budget.

1m ago

Are schools open? Simple issue unnecessarily complicated

Are the secondary schools and colleges open today? It is very likely that no one can answer this seemingly simple question with certainty.

2m ago

Reverse migration rises twentyfold in five years

A few months after his honours examinations at a college in Satkhira in 2018, Quazi Monjurul travelled to Dhaka looking for a job.

4m ago

Funding for Gabtoli-Dasherkandi metro line confirmed

The prospect of having another major metro rail route in Dhaka looks bright as financing for the construction of the southern route of Mass Rapid Transit Line-5 has been confirmed.

5m ago

Who will sit on opposition benches?

With the unofficial results of the 12th national polls out, the question now is what will the opposition in parliament look like.

6m ago

Vote today, the outcome long known

As the nation goes to polls today for a third straight time under Sheikh Hasina-led government, the outcome is already a foregone conclusion. The 12th parliamentary election will go down in history as a race between Awami League candidates and Awami League “independents”.

6m ago

A year shuttling between hope and despair

Bangladesh steps into the New Year under the shadow of persistent economic turmoil and political crisis over the January 7 national election.

6m ago
June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024

Spending on education falls short of expectations

For example, when the Dakar Declaration came in 2000, the country said it would spend 6 percent of GDP on education. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation recommends earmarking four to six percent of the GDP for the sector.

June 4, 2024
June 4, 2024

Falling healthcare budget forces people to spend more out of pocket

For instance, the outlay for the health sector was Tk 25,028 crore in 2021-22, representing 4.8 percent of the budget of Tk 518,188 crore. It was five percent in the previous fiscal year when the government spent Tk 21,647 crore under a Tk 460,160 crore budget.

May 2, 2024
May 2, 2024

Are schools open? Simple issue unnecessarily complicated

Are the secondary schools and colleges open today? It is very likely that no one can answer this seemingly simple question with certainty.

March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024

Reverse migration rises twentyfold in five years

A few months after his honours examinations at a college in Satkhira in 2018, Quazi Monjurul travelled to Dhaka looking for a job.

February 4, 2024
February 4, 2024

Funding for Gabtoli-Dasherkandi metro line confirmed

The prospect of having another major metro rail route in Dhaka looks bright as financing for the construction of the southern route of Mass Rapid Transit Line-5 has been confirmed.

January 9, 2024
January 9, 2024

Who will sit on opposition benches?

With the unofficial results of the 12th national polls out, the question now is what will the opposition in parliament look like.

January 7, 2024
January 7, 2024

Vote today, the outcome long known

As the nation goes to polls today for a third straight time under Sheikh Hasina-led government, the outcome is already a foregone conclusion. The 12th parliamentary election will go down in history as a race between Awami League candidates and Awami League “independents”.

January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024

A year shuttling between hope and despair

Bangladesh steps into the New Year under the shadow of persistent economic turmoil and political crisis over the January 7 national election.

November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023

Plot thickens as prospects for talks dim

The political crisis deepens with the Awami League apparently slamming the door on talks and the BNP and its allies pressing ahead with their oust-the-government movement, experts say.

November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023

Spare the students please

Students are unsure whether their examinations will be held on time amid the political turmoil

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