Tofail Ahmed

A fragile institution with a strong legal framework

The elections, the Election Commission (EC), the government and political parties are parts of an interwoven web of a complex relationship.

1y ago

Human lives and economy: Can there be a trade off?

Coronavirus pandemic has changed not only actions and attitudes but also the doctrines and philosophies of states and economies worldwide.

4y ago

National Pension Scheme

Constitutionally, Bangladesh is claimed to be a 'Welfare State". The welfare provisions so far adopted proved effective and paved the way for doing more by

9y ago

City elections: A window of opportunity

The doors are closed, but a small window seems to be open. It could be a silver lining, it may show a feeble light on the other side of

9y ago

Local Government – another Casualty of Deadlock

THE year 2014 and the 10th Parliamentary election are turning points in the political history of Bangladesh.

9y ago

Local government and economic development

Local Government Institutions (LGIs), Local Administration (LA) and local Community Based Organisations (CBOs) evolved, emerged and developed throughout the globe as manifestations of a historical conjuncture particularly situated at time and space.

9y ago
October 15, 2023
October 15, 2023

A fragile institution with a strong legal framework

The elections, the Election Commission (EC), the government and political parties are parts of an interwoven web of a complex relationship.

April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020

Human lives and economy: Can there be a trade off?

Coronavirus pandemic has changed not only actions and attitudes but also the doctrines and philosophies of states and economies worldwide.

February 5, 2016
February 5, 2016

National Pension Scheme

Constitutionally, Bangladesh is claimed to be a 'Welfare State". The welfare provisions so far adopted proved effective and paved the way for doing more by

March 22, 2015
March 22, 2015

City elections: A window of opportunity

The doors are closed, but a small window seems to be open. It could be a silver lining, it may show a feeble light on the other side of

March 19, 2015
March 19, 2015

Local Government – another Casualty of Deadlock

THE year 2014 and the 10th Parliamentary election are turning points in the political history of Bangladesh.

March 12, 2015
March 12, 2015

Local government and economic development

Local Government Institutions (LGIs), Local Administration (LA) and local Community Based Organisations (CBOs) evolved, emerged and developed throughout the globe as manifestations of a historical conjuncture particularly situated at time and space.