Tahsina Zaman

Food adulteration and its deadly consequences

Food adulteration slowly damages people’s health in ways that are not immediately visible, but have serious long-term effects.

2m ago

Banning smoking in public places

While walking along the footpaths of Dhaka, one of the most persistent problems we face is exposure to cigarette smoke. The pervasive smell and clouds of cigarette smoke create an unpleasant experience for non-smokers. Indeed, due to exposure to cigarette smoke, passive smokers tend to be at significant risk of developing respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer.

3m ago
November 22, 2024
November 22, 2024

Food adulteration and its deadly consequences

Food adulteration slowly damages people’s health in ways that are not immediately visible, but have serious long-term effects.

November 1, 2024
November 1, 2024

Banning smoking in public places

While walking along the footpaths of Dhaka, one of the most persistent problems we face is exposure to cigarette smoke. The pervasive smell and clouds of cigarette smoke create an unpleasant experience for non-smokers. Indeed, due to exposure to cigarette smoke, passive smokers tend to be at significant risk of developing respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer.