Selina Mohsin

The writer is a former ambassador.

Why remove ‘except Israel’ from passports?

The outburst of violence between Palestine and Israel during the month of Ramadan led to Hamas firing rockets and Israel bombing Palestine.

3y ago

Is the Commonwealth declining?

Bangladesh is one of the 54 members of the Commonwealth—but how many Bangladeshis are aware of this and that March 8 was Commonwealth Day?

3y ago

Power play in the Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka and Maldives, by their mere locations, are of geostrategic significance in relation to east-west sea trade to and from South Asia. While Sri Lanka lies close to India’s south-east, Maldives is located 400km south-west of India. The latter has 26 atolls and over 1,000 islands covering a huge maritime area stretching 750km from north to south. They are significant for China, India and US, who are all jostling for strategic positions in the Indian Ocean.

5y ago

The other side of social responsibility

Ever since I returned to Dhaka in 2011, I have seen how fast Dhaka has been growing. The GDP growth rate has been phenomenal but, with economic wealth, multifarious challenges have come to the fore: land- and river-grabbing, tree-felling, and endless construction changing the landscape of the city.

5y ago

Maldives: Has the wheel turned full circle?

In an uncharacteristic move, President Abdullah Yameen of the Maldives accepted defeat on September 24, 2018 after an astonishing result where he lost the presidential election to Ibrahim Solih of the opposition coalition. Solih won 58 percent of the votes as opposed to 42 percent by Yameen.

5y ago

In pursuit of 'Naya Pakistan'

Imran Khan's first speech to the nation after taking office as Pakistan's prime minister was impressive in its range of reforming ambition.

5y ago

Widening cracks in Europe

There is an ancient Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”—interesting as opposed to blessed periods of peace and tranquillity. In this sense, Europe is certainly interesting these days. Its cracks are beginning to multiply and widen ominously.

6y ago

Where is Putin leading Russia?

When Vladimir Putin was inaugurated in 2000 as president for his first term in office, he inherited a Russia shrunken by the collapse of the Soviet Union with an economy left in disorder by President Yeltsin. State assets had been seized by a new class of oligarchs while ordinary Russians found pensions unpaid.

6y ago
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021

Why remove ‘except Israel’ from passports?

The outburst of violence between Palestine and Israel during the month of Ramadan led to Hamas firing rockets and Israel bombing Palestine.

March 9, 2021
March 9, 2021

Is the Commonwealth declining?

Bangladesh is one of the 54 members of the Commonwealth—but how many Bangladeshis are aware of this and that March 8 was Commonwealth Day?

July 4, 2019
July 4, 2019

Power play in the Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka and Maldives, by their mere locations, are of geostrategic significance in relation to east-west sea trade to and from South Asia. While Sri Lanka lies close to India’s south-east, Maldives is located 400km south-west of India. The latter has 26 atolls and over 1,000 islands covering a huge maritime area stretching 750km from north to south. They are significant for China, India and US, who are all jostling for strategic positions in the Indian Ocean.

March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019

The other side of social responsibility

Ever since I returned to Dhaka in 2011, I have seen how fast Dhaka has been growing. The GDP growth rate has been phenomenal but, with economic wealth, multifarious challenges have come to the fore: land- and river-grabbing, tree-felling, and endless construction changing the landscape of the city.

October 24, 2018
October 24, 2018

Maldives: Has the wheel turned full circle?

In an uncharacteristic move, President Abdullah Yameen of the Maldives accepted defeat on September 24, 2018 after an astonishing result where he lost the presidential election to Ibrahim Solih of the opposition coalition. Solih won 58 percent of the votes as opposed to 42 percent by Yameen.

September 8, 2018
September 8, 2018

In pursuit of 'Naya Pakistan'

Imran Khan's first speech to the nation after taking office as Pakistan's prime minister was impressive in its range of reforming ambition.

July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018

Widening cracks in Europe

There is an ancient Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”—interesting as opposed to blessed periods of peace and tranquillity. In this sense, Europe is certainly interesting these days. Its cracks are beginning to multiply and widen ominously.

April 1, 2018
April 1, 2018

Where is Putin leading Russia?

When Vladimir Putin was inaugurated in 2000 as president for his first term in office, he inherited a Russia shrunken by the collapse of the Soviet Union with an economy left in disorder by President Yeltsin. State assets had been seized by a new class of oligarchs while ordinary Russians found pensions unpaid.

March 11, 2018
March 11, 2018

Can Modi remake India?

Narendra Modi is a powerful phenomenon in Indian politics. Though he is not part of the traditional elites, either by caste or education, he has enormous energy.

March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018

Ecological havoc in Dhaka

Dhaka is faced with many direct threats to biodiversity with accelerating economic development, growing population, land grabbing, congested housing, tree felling, and vehicles emitting toxic fumes leading to extreme pollution and poor quality of life.

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