Sayeed Ferdous

Dr Sayeed Ferdous is a professor at the Department of Anthropology in Jahangirnagar University.

Partition 1947: Lessons we need to un/learn

Narratives from the peripheries are needed to balance out the indocentrism of Partition Studies

When university research is held hostage

We are all aware of the state higher education and research in Bangladesh is in. It is far from the acceptable standard; none of our universities—public or private—is in a respectable position in global rankings.

October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022

Partition 1947: Lessons we need to un/learn

Narratives from the peripheries are needed to balance out the indocentrism of Partition Studies

January 7, 2022
January 7, 2022

When university research is held hostage

We are all aware of the state higher education and research in Bangladesh is in. It is far from the acceptable standard; none of our universities—public or private—is in a respectable position in global rankings.

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