Sakib Mahbub

On the rights of persons with disabilities

Preamble of the Constitution of Bangladesh declares that fundamental human rights, rule of law, social security, political, social, and economic rights will be

2y ago

On territorial sovereignty and its impact on neighbouring state

Among the 54 rivers shared with our neighbouring country India, the past research reveals that the Teesta river basin is seemingly the most sensitive one considering its geographic stand point.

2y ago
September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022

On the rights of persons with disabilities

Preamble of the Constitution of Bangladesh declares that fundamental human rights, rule of law, social security, political, social, and economic rights will be

February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022

On territorial sovereignty and its impact on neighbouring state

Among the 54 rivers shared with our neighbouring country India, the past research reveals that the Teesta river basin is seemingly the most sensitive one considering its geographic stand point.

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