Sabrina Swarna

Ritwik Ghatak’s revolutionary film language

In terms of gauging the evolution of filmmaking since its inception, the year 1927 added a new dimension to the language of films. Attempts to express humane sentiments became a little easier and gradually films became a powerful tool for expressing said emotions. This optimal tool was used majestically in Bengali films by the proverbial Ritwik Ghatak.

9m ago
November 4, 2023
November 4, 2023

Ritwik Ghatak’s revolutionary film language

In terms of gauging the evolution of filmmaking since its inception, the year 1927 added a new dimension to the language of films. Attempts to express humane sentiments became a little easier and gradually films became a powerful tool for expressing said emotions. This optimal tool was used majestically in Bengali films by the proverbial Ritwik Ghatak.

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