Riyana Afroze

The internet is making us less informed and more opinionated

The internet is creating more echo chambers while strengthening existing ones.

2y ago

Where is My Last Day of School?

For those robbed of the experience of a distinct "last day of school."

2y ago

Mental Muscles and Digital Dilemma

Doesn't advancement in writing lead to an advancement in thinking?

3y ago

Algal Biofuels: The Next Generation of Renewable Energy?

Algae are a remarkable candidate for biodiesel production.

3y ago

The Science Behind These Beautiful Skies

Why, and how, is the sky so colourful these days?

3y ago
November 25, 2021
November 25, 2021

The internet is making us less informed and more opinionated

The internet is creating more echo chambers while strengthening existing ones.

October 7, 2021
October 7, 2021

Where is My Last Day of School?

For those robbed of the experience of a distinct "last day of school."

September 16, 2021
September 16, 2021

Mental Muscles and Digital Dilemma

Doesn't advancement in writing lead to an advancement in thinking?

June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021

Algal Biofuels: The Next Generation of Renewable Energy?

Algae are a remarkable candidate for biodiesel production.

June 12, 2021
June 12, 2021

The Science Behind These Beautiful Skies

Why, and how, is the sky so colourful these days?

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