Namia Akhtar

Plagiarism: A symptom of a much larger problem in our culture

Plagiarism is a global problem, but the occurrences of academic fraud take place in epic proportions in Bangladesh as this obnoxious practice is infused in our national psyche.

5y ago

Redefining maleness in a man’s world

The myriad stories of sexual assault that flood my Facebook feed are reflections of the sexism and misogyny that are deeply ingrained in our social fabric.

5y ago

Tea advertisements and the ideal woman in 20th-century colonial Bengal

Tea was introduced into the Indian subcontinent as a colonial cash crop to preserve British and Indian commercial interests.

5y ago

The poor state of our higher education

In Bangladesh, universities in general—private or public—lack an environment for free thinking. There are mainly two types of barriers to free speech in classroom: one is an institutional restriction imposed on the academic, and the other imposed by the academic on the student.

7y ago

The Plight of Menstruating Women

My imbrued frock disclosed to my displeasure- my entrance into puberty. Two days prior to my twelfth birthday, it ensued- the 'biological inevitable.' The flowing down of thick red fluid did not place me into perplexity, but it made the next seven days

8y ago

A belated prayer for the Bangali New Year

In this Noboborsho, let the superego (angelic quality within us) supersede the ego (the balancing force between the animalistic, devilish and the angelic instinct within us, which often makes self-centred decisions), and let the ego take charge of us only on the occasion of necessity.

8y ago

Misogyny: The spirit of terrorism

Contemporary terrorist groups like Daesh (ISIS), Boko Haram, Taliban and Al-Qaeda incorporate a political agenda with an ideological

8y ago
November 14, 2019
November 14, 2019

Plagiarism: A symptom of a much larger problem in our culture

Plagiarism is a global problem, but the occurrences of academic fraud take place in epic proportions in Bangladesh as this obnoxious practice is infused in our national psyche.

August 17, 2019
August 17, 2019

Redefining maleness in a man’s world

The myriad stories of sexual assault that flood my Facebook feed are reflections of the sexism and misogyny that are deeply ingrained in our social fabric.

February 12, 2019
February 12, 2019

Tea advertisements and the ideal woman in 20th-century colonial Bengal

Tea was introduced into the Indian subcontinent as a colonial cash crop to preserve British and Indian commercial interests.

September 7, 2017
September 7, 2017

The poor state of our higher education

In Bangladesh, universities in general—private or public—lack an environment for free thinking. There are mainly two types of barriers to free speech in classroom: one is an institutional restriction imposed on the academic, and the other imposed by the academic on the student.

June 17, 2016
June 17, 2016

The Plight of Menstruating Women

My imbrued frock disclosed to my displeasure- my entrance into puberty. Two days prior to my twelfth birthday, it ensued- the 'biological inevitable.' The flowing down of thick red fluid did not place me into perplexity, but it made the next seven days

April 27, 2016
April 27, 2016

A belated prayer for the Bangali New Year

In this Noboborsho, let the superego (angelic quality within us) supersede the ego (the balancing force between the animalistic, devilish and the angelic instinct within us, which often makes self-centred decisions), and let the ego take charge of us only on the occasion of necessity.

March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016

Misogyny: The spirit of terrorism

Contemporary terrorist groups like Daesh (ISIS), Boko Haram, Taliban and Al-Qaeda incorporate a political agenda with an ideological