Mir Zariful Karim
Mir Zariful Karim has written for The Prestige Magazine and Daily Star Books. He currently works for Antopolis.
Mir Zariful Karim has written for The Prestige Magazine and Daily Star Books. He currently works for Antopolis.
Eventually, though, I did land on it, my first Bat-memory. It originated where my fandom for most superheroes originates—the land of comic books,
The film is packed with so many easter eggs that one would need another entire article just to list them all and still miss a few.
With this list, we bring to attention the books recently released which deal with the politics and loss associated with this defining moment in history, in the form of both fiction and nonfiction.
The DS Books staff are thrilled about the return of the "Best Reads" series. Read on as we share our thoughts about the books, published in 2021, which made us escape into the most diverse of worlds (ones where the pandemic is a distant memory, if even that). While this list isnt exhaustive—it’s simply the books that have most stayed with us this year so far—it is complete with gut wrenching tales of heartbreak and wonderful stories of triumph, which transport the reader to the outside without requiring them to step outside our humble abodes.
Eventually, though, I did land on it, my first Bat-memory. It originated where my fandom for most superheroes originates—the land of comic books,
The film is packed with so many easter eggs that one would need another entire article just to list them all and still miss a few.
With this list, we bring to attention the books recently released which deal with the politics and loss associated with this defining moment in history, in the form of both fiction and nonfiction.
The DS Books staff are thrilled about the return of the "Best Reads" series. Read on as we share our thoughts about the books, published in 2021, which made us escape into the most diverse of worlds (ones where the pandemic is a distant memory, if even that). While this list isnt exhaustive—it’s simply the books that have most stayed with us this year so far—it is complete with gut wrenching tales of heartbreak and wonderful stories of triumph, which transport the reader to the outside without requiring them to step outside our humble abodes.