Mehedee Hasan

Mehedee Hasan is a freelance analyst with an MSc in Finance, Investment and Risk from the University of Kent, England. He can be reached at [email protected].

Bangladesh stock market: Analysing the challenges ahead

The Bangladesh stock (equity) market has experienced significant fluctuations since the 2010 market crash, reflecting a challenging macroeconomic and political environment. Analysing the post-crash period from 2011 onwards provides insights into the volatility and recovery patterns of the market.

3m ago
December 1, 2024
December 1, 2024

Bangladesh stock market: Analysing the challenges ahead

The Bangladesh stock (equity) market has experienced significant fluctuations since the 2010 market crash, reflecting a challenging macroeconomic and political environment. Analysing the post-crash period from 2011 onwards provides insights into the volatility and recovery patterns of the market.