
The joy of reading

In this era of digital screens and the internet, a visit to Bogra's four-storied Woodburn Government Public Library comes as a pleasant

6y ago

Their sufferings, like floods, not receding

The recent floods have affected different people in different ways. The one thing that they all have in common though is an unending

6y ago

Bamboo baskets a thriving tradition of Bogra's Jamuna river basin

In two villages in Bogra's Jamuna river basin,” weaving bamboo baskets is a tradition with a long history. Up to 600 families in

6y ago

Cultural programme in Bogra marking Eid

An cultural programme titled 'Eid Milon Mela' was held on Thursday evening in Bogra, with song renditions and dance performances. The

6y ago

Punish masterminds who derailed our sons

Parents of two Bogra militants, who were killed during the raid by law enforcers after the massacre at Holey Artisan Bakery in the

7y ago

Disability couldn't stop him

Syed Ali, 32, from Botiyavanga village in Durgahata union of Bogra's Gabtoli upazila was born physically challenged. His legs are

7y ago

Rapid change in char women's life

The life of women sees a rapid change as increasing number of female workers in the Jamuna river char areas of the district are

7y ago

Work yet to be complete

Construction work of the 10-storey chief judicial magistrate's court in the district is yet to be finished 65 months after it started in early 2012.

7y ago
July 16, 2017
July 16, 2017

The joy of reading

In this era of digital screens and the internet, a visit to Bogra's four-storied Woodburn Government Public Library comes as a pleasant

July 13, 2017
July 13, 2017

Their sufferings, like floods, not receding

The recent floods have affected different people in different ways. The one thing that they all have in common though is an unending

July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017

Cultural programme in Bogra marking Eid

An cultural programme titled 'Eid Milon Mela' was held on Thursday evening in Bogra, with song renditions and dance performances. The

July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017

Bamboo baskets a thriving tradition of Bogra's Jamuna river basin

In two villages in Bogra's Jamuna river basin,” weaving bamboo baskets is a tradition with a long history. Up to 600 families in

July 2, 2017
July 2, 2017

Punish masterminds who derailed our sons

Parents of two Bogra militants, who were killed during the raid by law enforcers after the massacre at Holey Artisan Bakery in the

May 27, 2017
May 27, 2017

Disability couldn't stop him

Syed Ali, 32, from Botiyavanga village in Durgahata union of Bogra's Gabtoli upazila was born physically challenged. His legs are

May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017

Rapid change in char women's life

The life of women sees a rapid change as increasing number of female workers in the Jamuna river char areas of the district are

May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017

Work yet to be complete

Construction work of the 10-storey chief judicial magistrate's court in the district is yet to be finished 65 months after it started in early 2012.

May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017

Relief in matha

You will hardly find someone who did not want to buy some famous lightly sweetened curd of Bogra, popularly known as Misti Doi, while visiting the northern part of the country.

May 11, 2017
May 11, 2017

Quest for self-reliance

Three unemployed youths started rearing ducks in the Karatoa river three months ago to materialise their dream of becoming self-reliant.

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