Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, managing director of BuildCon Consultancies Ltd

Mahtab Uddin Ahmed

Outsmarting your colleagues

In our subcontinent, outsmarting colleagues often translates to indulging in a bit of 'friendly' gossip, perfecting the art of boss buttering, seeking shortcuts to success, dabbling in office politics, and adopting a refined English accent for a select few.

6h ago

Winning over your boss

Pleasing your boss can sometimes feel like the game of Tom & Jerry, where you are Jerry trying desperately to avoid being Tom’s next kill.

6d ago

Merging minds with machines

With the news of brain chip implants, our friends joked that advertisers would run commercials in our brains if we got chips without a subscription.

2w ago

Boss-beating services: the workplace solution

A former colleague shared one of the most bizarre local news about an employee who hired a goon to severely beat up his boss for being the cause of excessive stress in the workplace.

1m ago

The golden goose and the taxman

A golden goose had once started laying solid gold eggs in the whimsical land of Bangladesh. But alas, the taxman slapped a tax on it that turned its feathers grey.

1m ago

Fighting corruption or feeding it?

Once a little boy wanted to have his own cricket bat. But he did not have any money to buy it.

1m ago

Voice floor price: time to scrap it

Bangalees are well known for their unparalleled gift of gab. Our love for chatting is unique and deeply rooted in our culture. Whether it is at the corner shop or continuing in marathon phone calls that defy the laws of time and data plans, we Bangalees are the true pioneers of telephonic verbos

2m ago

How to disagree with your boss

Imagine waking up from a nightmare where your boss decides to be with his teammates 24/7 for a month to strengthen team spirit. The relief of waking up is tantamount to winning a lottery!

2m ago
May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024

Outsmarting your colleagues

In our subcontinent, outsmarting colleagues often translates to indulging in a bit of 'friendly' gossip, perfecting the art of boss buttering, seeking shortcuts to success, dabbling in office politics, and adopting a refined English accent for a select few.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

Winning over your boss

Pleasing your boss can sometimes feel like the game of Tom & Jerry, where you are Jerry trying desperately to avoid being Tom’s next kill.

May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024

Merging minds with machines

With the news of brain chip implants, our friends joked that advertisers would run commercials in our brains if we got chips without a subscription.

April 26, 2024
April 26, 2024

Boss-beating services: the workplace solution

A former colleague shared one of the most bizarre local news about an employee who hired a goon to severely beat up his boss for being the cause of excessive stress in the workplace.

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

The golden goose and the taxman

A golden goose had once started laying solid gold eggs in the whimsical land of Bangladesh. But alas, the taxman slapped a tax on it that turned its feathers grey.

April 5, 2024
April 5, 2024

Fighting corruption or feeding it?

Once a little boy wanted to have his own cricket bat. But he did not have any money to buy it.

March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024

Voice floor price: time to scrap it

Bangalees are well known for their unparalleled gift of gab. Our love for chatting is unique and deeply rooted in our culture. Whether it is at the corner shop or continuing in marathon phone calls that defy the laws of time and data plans, we Bangalees are the true pioneers of telephonic verbos

March 15, 2024
March 15, 2024

How to disagree with your boss

Imagine waking up from a nightmare where your boss decides to be with his teammates 24/7 for a month to strengthen team spirit. The relief of waking up is tantamount to winning a lottery!

March 8, 2024
March 8, 2024

Voices of change: women leading Bangladesh forward

In a small village, there was a debate over who should make decisions at home. A contest was held where a man and a wise old grandmother would catch a rabbit without any tools.

February 29, 2024
February 29, 2024

The amazing science of happiness

In a forest, a crow encounters a swan and begins to feel inferior due to the swan's white feathers, presuming the swan must be the happiest bird. The swan, on the other hand, envies the parrot for its two colours, believing it to be happier.

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