Luthfa Ara Tina

Social Media Executive

A CNG driver and Mona: A bond between two unlikely companions

In the chaos of the city streets, I witnessed an unexpected scene that warmed my heart. While hopping into a CNG for my daily commute, I couldn't help but notice something out of the ordinary — a colourful bird nestled on the driver's shoulder, affectionately named Mona by the driver.

3m ago
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

A CNG driver and Mona: A bond between two unlikely companions

In the chaos of the city streets, I witnessed an unexpected scene that warmed my heart. While hopping into a CNG for my daily commute, I couldn't help but notice something out of the ordinary — a colourful bird nestled on the driver's shoulder, affectionately named Mona by the driver.

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