Guy Ryder

The writer is Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

New Normal? Better Normal!

In these times of Covid-19, the big challenge for most of us is how to protect ourselves and our families from the virus and how to hold on to our jobs. For policymakers, that translates into beating the pandemic without doing irreversible damage to the economy in the process.

4y ago

COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of our economies

The human dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic reach far beyond the critical health response. All aspects of our future will be affected—economic, social and developmental. Our response must be urgent, coordinated and on a global scale, and should immediately deliver help to those most in need.

4y ago

Safeguarding migrant workers is in everyone's interest

Social justice is a cornerstone of lasting peace and prosperous coexistence. On this World Day of Social Justice, we are focusing on the world's 150 million migrant workers, many of whom face exploitation, discrimination and violence and lack even the most basic protections. This is particularly true for women, who make up 44 percent of migrant workers.

7y ago

Boosting growth by green design

Climate change is the result of human activity. That activity is, for the most part, work or work-related. It is only logical then that the world of work has a key role to play in finding a solution to this pressing issue.

7y ago
May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020

New Normal? Better Normal!

In these times of Covid-19, the big challenge for most of us is how to protect ourselves and our families from the virus and how to hold on to our jobs. For policymakers, that translates into beating the pandemic without doing irreversible damage to the economy in the process.

March 29, 2020
March 29, 2020

COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of our economies

The human dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic reach far beyond the critical health response. All aspects of our future will be affected—economic, social and developmental. Our response must be urgent, coordinated and on a global scale, and should immediately deliver help to those most in need.

February 20, 2018
February 20, 2018

Safeguarding migrant workers is in everyone's interest

Social justice is a cornerstone of lasting peace and prosperous coexistence. On this World Day of Social Justice, we are focusing on the world's 150 million migrant workers, many of whom face exploitation, discrimination and violence and lack even the most basic protections. This is particularly true for women, who make up 44 percent of migrant workers.

June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017

Boosting growth by green design

Climate change is the result of human activity. That activity is, for the most part, work or work-related. It is only logical then that the world of work has a key role to play in finding a solution to this pressing issue.