Biru Paksha Paul


The writer is visiting fellow at Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) and guest faculty at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University.

The corona-clenched economy: Changes and policies

Alan Greenspan, who led the US Federal Reserve for two decades, was summoned in congress and testified that the financial crisis of 2008-2009 was an economic tsunami which could happen once in a century.

4y ago

Time to reform the finance ministry for robust growth

It is hard to achieve a growth of around 8 percent, and it will be even harder to maintain this trend unless we reform our ministry of finance (MOF) to steer the economy in the right direction. An MOF is usually the chief conductor of the orchestra of a country’s

5y ago

Budget FY2019-20: New directions, old roads

This is the first time we noticed a prominent leader of the opposition using an appropriate word, “ambitious”, to describe the budget, instead of branding it as “anti-people.” This is a good sign because the first budget for a new finance minister should be forward-looking.

5y ago

Saving our ailing banking sector

Bangladesh's banking sector faces a number of major challenges including rising nonperforming loans, credit concentrations, poor

5y ago

The vicious impact of bureaucracy in business

When we were students, we hated red tapism—we spoke and wrote against it and vowed to change it in the future. But after being recruited into government service, we forgot our old promise, or dared not to talk about it.

6y ago

A note on re-fixing interest rates on Sanchayapatra

Finally, the government has decided to re-fix interest rates on National Saving Certificates (NSCs) or Sanchayapatra. Hopefully, it will

6y ago

Quota issue from an economic perspective

Truth shall prevail against lies and falsehood. And economic truths are often ruthless.

6y ago

Crisis of skills and soaring unemployment

The recent quota movement, which was somehow quelled defying the logic of merit-based competition and fundamentals of a market economy, portrays a pathetic lack of skills among the youth of our nation.

6y ago
April 19, 2020
April 19, 2020

The corona-clenched economy: Changes and policies

Alan Greenspan, who led the US Federal Reserve for two decades, was summoned in congress and testified that the financial crisis of 2008-2009 was an economic tsunami which could happen once in a century.

September 10, 2019
September 10, 2019

Time to reform the finance ministry for robust growth

It is hard to achieve a growth of around 8 percent, and it will be even harder to maintain this trend unless we reform our ministry of finance (MOF) to steer the economy in the right direction. An MOF is usually the chief conductor of the orchestra of a country’s

June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019

Budget FY2019-20: New directions, old roads

This is the first time we noticed a prominent leader of the opposition using an appropriate word, “ambitious”, to describe the budget, instead of branding it as “anti-people.” This is a good sign because the first budget for a new finance minister should be forward-looking.

March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019

Saving our ailing banking sector

Bangladesh's banking sector faces a number of major challenges including rising nonperforming loans, credit concentrations, poor

February 17, 2019
February 17, 2019

The vicious impact of bureaucracy in business

When we were students, we hated red tapism—we spoke and wrote against it and vowed to change it in the future. But after being recruited into government service, we forgot our old promise, or dared not to talk about it.

August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018

A note on re-fixing interest rates on Sanchayapatra

Finally, the government has decided to re-fix interest rates on National Saving Certificates (NSCs) or Sanchayapatra. Hopefully, it will

July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018

Quota issue from an economic perspective

Truth shall prevail against lies and falsehood. And economic truths are often ruthless.

July 15, 2018
July 15, 2018

Crisis of skills and soaring unemployment

The recent quota movement, which was somehow quelled defying the logic of merit-based competition and fundamentals of a market economy, portrays a pathetic lack of skills among the youth of our nation.

July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018

Economic costs of poor road management

Once the Huang He river was known as the river of sorrow in China and the river's deadly floods were seen as acts of God. But the Chinese regime changed this narrative through its long-term planning and by transforming the threats into irrigation opportunities.

May 20, 2018
May 20, 2018

Why the growing unemployment rate should worry us

When I approached a car insurance company to discuss ways to reduce my insurance cost, the manager advised me to take a study course on defensive driving,