Alexandra Borchardt

How – and how not – to restore trust in media

In most industries, a quality product is easy to identify, thanks to markers like price, brand, and reviews. But in journalism, discerning quality is becoming increasingly complicated, not least because, in the digital age, trusted brands like the BBC or The New York Times, which can be expected to adhere to long-established journalistic standards, are vastly outnumbered by upstart publications, blogs, and community reports.

5y ago

Journalism's risky tech attraction

Technology was supposed to solve some of the world's biggest problems.

5y ago

Journalism's Comeback

After years of ill health, the news industry is finally showing signs of a modest recovery. According to the Digital News Report 2018—the most comprehensive survey of digital media consumption—subscriptions are trending up while consumer confidence has stabilised.

6y ago
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019

How – and how not – to restore trust in media

In most industries, a quality product is easy to identify, thanks to markers like price, brand, and reviews. But in journalism, discerning quality is becoming increasingly complicated, not least because, in the digital age, trusted brands like the BBC or The New York Times, which can be expected to adhere to long-established journalistic standards, are vastly outnumbered by upstart publications, blogs, and community reports.

March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019

Journalism's risky tech attraction

Technology was supposed to solve some of the world's biggest problems.

September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018

Journalism's Comeback

After years of ill health, the news industry is finally showing signs of a modest recovery. According to the Digital News Report 2018—the most comprehensive survey of digital media consumption—subscriptions are trending up while consumer confidence has stabilised.