Holiday time for Sumaiya Shimu

Popular television actress Sumaiya Shimu usually stays in Dhaka for her Eid holidays, and while this year is no different, she also plans on going somewhere nearby with her husband for a vacation. She is also mulling over visiting Chennai (India) again.
Eid-ul-Azha is always a very busy time for her, but she has managed time for a break. Shimu avoids shooting during Eid holidays because she would hate to miss the festivities. She also loves cooking during this special occasion. “I have cooked something special this time around. I have turned out about 7-8 kinds of dishes,” Shimu told The Daily Star.
She has also cooked for her relatives, who visited Shimu during the Eid holidays. She also finds time for them, no matter her schedule. Shimu says, “I want to spend my holidays the way they should be spent. I work all year around, so I make sure that I don't have anything on my schedule at least during and a few days after Eid.”
While she spends time at home during the holidays, Shimu also makes an effort to watch the Eid special television plays, including her own. “There are many Eid special programmes, so I try to watch as many as I can,” she says.
Sumaiya Shimu herself has played many a role in different one-hour plays airing this Eid, including a few mini-series. ATN Bangla is currently airing a 10-day long mini-series that began on the day of Eid, titled “Bibaho Durghotona”. The series stars Sumaiya Shimu and Mosharraf Karim, and is directed by Shimul.
Shimu has also done two six-episode Eid mini-series: one directed by Abu Hayat Mahmud, and the other by Salahuddin Lavlu. She has also done a three -episode mini-series directed by Golam Sohrab Dodul.