First teaser trailer for 'Game of Thrones' season 6 released

HBO has released the first teaser trailer for season six of the channel's hit show "Game of Thrones."

The teaser trailer is brief, but does hint to a possible return of one of the show's most popular characters, Jon Snow. Fans have been speculating about the character's future since the end of season five earlier this year, with HBO already teasing that he may return by releasing billboards featuring Snow.

The trailer also features and is narrated by new cast member Max von Sydow, who will appear in the upcoming season as the Three-eyed Raven, and Bran Stark, played by British actor Isaac Hempstead Wright, who did not feature in season five.

The sixth season of the show will premiere April 2016.



First teaser trailer for 'Game of Thrones' season 6 released

HBO has released the first teaser trailer for season six of the channel's hit show "Game of Thrones."

The teaser trailer is brief, but does hint to a possible return of one of the show's most popular characters, Jon Snow. Fans have been speculating about the character's future since the end of season five earlier this year, with HBO already teasing that he may return by releasing billboards featuring Snow.

The trailer also features and is narrated by new cast member Max von Sydow, who will appear in the upcoming season as the Three-eyed Raven, and Bran Stark, played by British actor Isaac Hempstead Wright, who did not feature in season five.

The sixth season of the show will premiere April 2016.


চাল আমদানি

চালের দামে নতুন রেকর্ড, আমদানিতে অনীহা ব্যবসায়ীদের

চলতি মার্চের প্রথম সপ্তাহ পর্যন্ত ব্যবসায়ীরা অনুমোদিত ১৬ লাখ ৭৫ হাজার টন চালের বিপরীতে আমদানি করেছে দুই লাখ ৬৩ হাজার টন। যা অনুমোদিত পরিমাণের মাত্র ১৭ শতাংশ।

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