
Topu entertains Kolkata for the first time

Photo: Star

Prominent musician Topu recently entertained the audience in Kolkata during a musical evening arranged at a renowned restaurant. Bangladeshi record label G-Series and Kolkata based musician Anurag Halder jointly organised the programme.

Like many Bangladeshi musicians, Topu is also admired on both the sides of Bengal. With the digital era in progress, Bengali music lovers, regardless of their location can now easily access the music of their choice. Despite being a part of the music industry for quite a while, this was the first time Topu visited the compelling city of Kolkata.

During a chat with The Daily Star, the artiste informed that he was delighted to have performed for such an audience at the event, organised in part by his admirer, Anurag. Anurag also mentioned that he was overjoyed to make the arrangement possible with an artiste he admired form a young age.

Ek Paye Nupur, Bondhu Bhabo Ki, Ekta Gopon Kotha, Ei Ki Beshi Na were amongst some of the numbers Topu performed during the programme that had the audience mesmerised.


Topu entertains Kolkata for the first time

Photo: Star

Prominent musician Topu recently entertained the audience in Kolkata during a musical evening arranged at a renowned restaurant. Bangladeshi record label G-Series and Kolkata based musician Anurag Halder jointly organised the programme.

Like many Bangladeshi musicians, Topu is also admired on both the sides of Bengal. With the digital era in progress, Bengali music lovers, regardless of their location can now easily access the music of their choice. Despite being a part of the music industry for quite a while, this was the first time Topu visited the compelling city of Kolkata.

During a chat with The Daily Star, the artiste informed that he was delighted to have performed for such an audience at the event, organised in part by his admirer, Anurag. Anurag also mentioned that he was overjoyed to make the arrangement possible with an artiste he admired form a young age.

Ek Paye Nupur, Bondhu Bhabo Ki, Ekta Gopon Kotha, Ei Ki Beshi Na were amongst some of the numbers Topu performed during the programme that had the audience mesmerised.


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