Beenkar Musical Society hosts music workshop

Recently, a music workshop was held at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy as a part of Beenkar Musical Society of Bangladesh. At the concluding day of the workshop, students of Vandekhal and Acharya Jayant Bose, Pandit Niladri Nath, Kheli Pankaj Basu and Shrimati Patanjali Chattaji performed classical music with students of Beenkar Musical Society. Pundit Niladri Nath and Indian filmmaker Sravolanath Knotar were present at the workshop as instructors.
A non-literate classical and sub-classical music evening was also arranged at the programme. Pundit Niladri Nath (India) and Kheali Pankaj Basu, two disciples of Acharya Jayant Bose performed dual kheyal. The audience was mesmerised by their extraordinary singing. In addition, Ganaka Tan and Chhatat Tan and Saragama also performed.
At the end of the ceremony, Shrimati Dhranti Chatterjee (Mahantarashtra, Poona) performed the sub-classical, thumri, ghazal, dadra, chaiti, hori and kashri.
Prominent cultural personality Kamal Lohani was present as the chief guest at the program. Sohrab Uddin, Director, Music and Dance Department, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, former joint secretary and adviser (RNPCBL) and cultural patron Rabindranath Roy and noted dramatist Shankar Sautal Chowdhury were also present as the special guests.