
Iron Maiden releases “Speed of Light”

Iron Maiden
“The Book Of Souls” was recorded in Paris with the band’s longstanding producer Kevin ‘Caveman’ Shirley, and will be out on September 4.

Welcome back, Iron Maiden! The Legendary heavy metal act has released their first new music in five years.

Taken from upcoming album “The Book Of Souls”, the British band premiered new song “Speed Of Light” – along with a killer accompanying animated video, featuring their mascot Eddie transporting through portals into one generation of video games to another, from the early platform-based games to one-on-one beat-em ups to FPS (first-person shooter), leaving tons of tributes to their legacy throughout the video.

Eddie Iron Maiden

Bassist Steve Harris recently said their front-man Bruce Dickinson was singing better than ever – and it is quite evident from the release.

“The Book Of Souls” was recorded in Paris with the band’s longstanding producer Kevin ‘Caveman’ Shirley, and will be out on September 4.

Watch the thumping, awesome music video


Source: Planet Rock


Iron Maiden releases “Speed of Light”

Iron Maiden
“The Book Of Souls” was recorded in Paris with the band’s longstanding producer Kevin ‘Caveman’ Shirley, and will be out on September 4.

Welcome back, Iron Maiden! The Legendary heavy metal act has released their first new music in five years.

Taken from upcoming album “The Book Of Souls”, the British band premiered new song “Speed Of Light” – along with a killer accompanying animated video, featuring their mascot Eddie transporting through portals into one generation of video games to another, from the early platform-based games to one-on-one beat-em ups to FPS (first-person shooter), leaving tons of tributes to their legacy throughout the video.

Eddie Iron Maiden

Bassist Steve Harris recently said their front-man Bruce Dickinson was singing better than ever – and it is quite evident from the release.

“The Book Of Souls” was recorded in Paris with the band’s longstanding producer Kevin ‘Caveman’ Shirley, and will be out on September 4.

Watch the thumping, awesome music video


Source: Planet Rock


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