It's True

Ian Curtis

Ian Curtis

English musician and singer-songwriter Ian Curtis drew attention when his post-punk band Joy Division (of which he was the lead singer and lyricist) released their debut album “Unknown Pleasures” in 1979.

He, however, suffered from epilepsy and depression and sometimes had seizures on-stage, committed suicide on May 18, 1980, on the eve of Joy Division's first North American tour, resulting in the band's dissolution (it later reformed as New Order).

Curtis was known for his baritone voice, dance style and songwriting –filled with imagery of desolation, emptiness and alienation. His life and death have been dramatised in the films “24 Hour Party People” (2002) and “Control” (2007).


Ian Curtis

Ian Curtis

English musician and singer-songwriter Ian Curtis drew attention when his post-punk band Joy Division (of which he was the lead singer and lyricist) released their debut album “Unknown Pleasures” in 1979.

He, however, suffered from epilepsy and depression and sometimes had seizures on-stage, committed suicide on May 18, 1980, on the eve of Joy Division's first North American tour, resulting in the band's dissolution (it later reformed as New Order).

Curtis was known for his baritone voice, dance style and songwriting –filled with imagery of desolation, emptiness and alienation. His life and death have been dramatised in the films “24 Hour Party People” (2002) and “Control” (2007).


শিল্প কারখানা বাংলাদেশে স্থানান্তরে তুরস্কের প্রতি প্রধান উপদেষ্টার আহ্বান

বাংলাদেশে শিল্প কারখানা ও প্রযুক্তি স্থানান্তর, আরও বেশি বিনিয়োগ এবং বাংলাদেশের যুবশক্তিকে কাজে লাগাতে তুরস্কের প্রতি আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের প্রধান উপদেষ্টা ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস।

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