It's True

Gal Gadot

Israeli actress Gal Gadot had auditioned to be a Bon Girl, in “Quantam of Solace”, but the role (Camile Montes) eventually went to Olga Kurylenko. Instead, the actress was able to join “Fast & Furious” and jumpstarted her career in a completely different way. Quite a few years later, Gadot would have her redemption, when she beat out Kurylenko for the role of Diana Princess aka Wonder Woman in the DC Cinematic Universe, debuting in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”. The tough girl has served in the Israeli Army for two years, and is an avid motorbike fan. 


Gal Gadot

Israeli actress Gal Gadot had auditioned to be a Bon Girl, in “Quantam of Solace”, but the role (Camile Montes) eventually went to Olga Kurylenko. Instead, the actress was able to join “Fast & Furious” and jumpstarted her career in a completely different way. Quite a few years later, Gadot would have her redemption, when she beat out Kurylenko for the role of Diana Princess aka Wonder Woman in the DC Cinematic Universe, debuting in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”. The tough girl has served in the Israeli Army for two years, and is an avid motorbike fan. 


সরিষা, মধু, মৌ-পালন, সরিষার খেত,

গ্রামীণ অর্থনীতি বিকাশের সুযোগ বাড়াচ্ছে মৌ-পালন

বেশ কয়েকটি প্রতিবেদন ও কৃষি জরিপে জানা যায়, দেশে বছরে আনুমানিক ৩০ থেকে ৪০ হাজার টন মধু উৎপাদিত হয়। এর বেশিরভাগই সুন্দরবনের প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ থেকে আসে। তবে গ্রাম ও মফস্বলে মৌমাছি পালনের কয়েকটি...

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