Wolverine 3 might add X-23 to the cast

After Hugh Jackman decides to hang it up as Wolverine, Fox is going to have to face a major decision on what to do next. The character is too valuable to lie fallow, and yet fans have glommed on so much to Jackman's interpretation that it's going to be a major hurdle to get them on board with a new actor in the role. So if recasting is easier said than done, why not follow the route of the comics and reposition the entire character?
Fox may do just that if a new rumour from SuperHeroHype is to be believed. According to SHH, X-23, the mutant who took over for Wolverine after Wolverine died in the comics, is going to be in “Wolverine 3”, Jackman's final film as the clawed mutant.
For those who are unfamiliar with the character, X-23 is a clone of Logan/Wolverine. She gets her name because the first twenty-two experiments to clone Logan failed. She has all of his powers and abilities except she only has two claws on each hand, but she gets a claw coming out of each foot.
If X-23 (later named Laura Kinney) is in the movie, it could be a clever way to pass the torch to a character that could easily crossover into not only X-Men, but she would also fit into New Mutants or even X-Force.
Plot details are still scarce on “Wolverine 3”, which will be directed by James Mangold from a script by David James Kelly. Patrick Stewart will return to play Professor X and Boyd Holbrook was recently tapped to play the villain. The film is slated to open March 3, 2017.
Source: Collider