GIASUDDIN SELIM Across the Table

Artistes -- be on TV, concert stages or through their artwork -- reach out to us and become our favourite people, without any personal connection whatsoever. We know them through their work, but beyond that, they are just like us; they have their own tastes and choices, funny anecdotes and inspirational moments.
This month, Star Arts & Entertainment brings you the golden opportunity of meeting acclaimed film-maker Giasuddin Selim – tomorrow, May 10, at The Daily Star Centre, and to ask him your questions.
Drop us an e-mail with a brief note about yourself and your mobile number at by 4pm, May 9, if you want to meet the filmmaker. We will choose 15 people who will get the opportunity to sit across the table with Giasuddin Selim, and engage in a lively conversation.
The transcript of the conversation will be published in The Daily Star.