Romance blooms in new “Haldaa” song

Tauquir Ahmed's upcoming riverine drama “Haldaa” has been building up anticipation ahead of its December release, and the latest in line is a sweet love song with a mellifluous melody, catchy chorus and gorgeous landscapes.
The second song of the film, titled “Gom Gom Laar” (which is in Chittagonian dialect) was released Tuesday on YouTube, and has been met with good response. The song moves away from the melancholy of the first song “Nona Jol” and is a song of a blooming love, between the two central characters played by Mosharraf Karim and Nusrat Imrose Tisha. The two take leisurely boat rides across calm river pathways and spend quality times in fields of mustard plants, holding hands lovingly gazing into each other's eyes as the chorus, “Sona Gom Gom Laar, Khoto Gom Gom Laar” (“Gom Laar” translating to “feeling good”) plays in the background.
The lyrics, by former Chirkutt member Pinto Ghosh, is simple and beautiful as a love song for two villagers should be, and the use of a Chittagonian chorus to make it stand out is really clever. The musical arrangement also complements the overall tone of the film, and sung in duet by Pinto Ghosh and his real-life wife Shukonna Mazumder Ghosh adds to the chemistry of the song.
Also starring Zahid Hasan, Dilara Zaman, Fazlur Rahman Babu and Runa Khan, “Haldaa” is set to release across the country on December 1.