
Gadot wraps up “Wonder Woman” filming

After a rather lengthy shoot, star Gal Gadot's time on “Wonder Woman” has come to an end. The Warner Bros. picture is something of a landmark achievement in that it will be the first female-led superhero movie of the post-“Iron Man” era, and it comes with some mighty high expectations, since Gadot's Wonder Woman was one of the best things about “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. The studio enlisted Patty Jenkins to direct, and she's been spearheading the World War I-set tale with an ensemble cast that includes Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, and David Thewlis. Gadot made the announcement of the shoot wrap-up, with an Instagram post.

But Gadot's turn as Wonder Woman is far from over; she's due to report for duty on “Justice League” imminently. The Zack Snyder-directed “Batman v Superman” follow-up began production last month, so the wheels are already spinning on the superhero epic that will see Gadot's Wonder Woman joining forces with Ben Affleck's Batman, Ezra Miller's The Flash, Jason Momoa's Aquaman, and Ray Fisher's Cyborg. 

“Wonder Woman” is slated for release on June 2, 2017.

Source: Internet


Gadot wraps up “Wonder Woman” filming

After a rather lengthy shoot, star Gal Gadot's time on “Wonder Woman” has come to an end. The Warner Bros. picture is something of a landmark achievement in that it will be the first female-led superhero movie of the post-“Iron Man” era, and it comes with some mighty high expectations, since Gadot's Wonder Woman was one of the best things about “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. The studio enlisted Patty Jenkins to direct, and she's been spearheading the World War I-set tale with an ensemble cast that includes Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, and David Thewlis. Gadot made the announcement of the shoot wrap-up, with an Instagram post.

But Gadot's turn as Wonder Woman is far from over; she's due to report for duty on “Justice League” imminently. The Zack Snyder-directed “Batman v Superman” follow-up began production last month, so the wheels are already spinning on the superhero epic that will see Gadot's Wonder Woman joining forces with Ben Affleck's Batman, Ezra Miller's The Flash, Jason Momoa's Aquaman, and Ray Fisher's Cyborg. 

“Wonder Woman” is slated for release on June 2, 2017.

Source: Internet


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