Mehazabien unveils Lever Ayush

A modern and hectic lifestyle leaves minimal scope for recuperating from several adverse effects. We do not get enough time for natural healing, and the consequences of pollution, stress, and sleep deprivation linger on. Looking for swift remedies, many of us end up using products that often expose us to potential harm and side effects.
To solve the plight of beauty problems caused by a modern lifestyle, we need to rely on the basics of natural healing. 5000 years of wisdom from Ayurveda carries the knowledge of herbs and ingredients with natural healing components. Bearing that in mind, Unilever Bangladesh nationally launched Lever Ayush – a range of products made using the most potent ingredients that are highly beneficial to the skin, hair and teeth. These products are designed to solve issues like premature ageing, facial acne, hormonal spots and headaches, leading people to a stress-free life.
To introduce the products, Unilever Bangladesh hosted a launch event, attended by Lever Ayush's brand ambassador actor Mehazabien Chowdhury, social media influencers, media representatives and others. The event was held at Four Points by Sheraton yesterday.
The objectives of the event were to identify modern-day beauty problems and the need of natural remedies to cater to diverse beauty needs, convey the power of Ayurveda and natural ingredients along with their efficacy as a trustworthy solution to lifestyle problems and discuss the role of Ayurveda in people's mental and physical wellbeing.
Mehazabien gave a keynote speech and unveiled Lever Ayush at the event."There are not many brands in Bangladesh that provide a range of cosmetics based on natural ingredients. But Lever Ayush is one such brand that I have personally used and only then decided to be a brand ambassador of,” said Mehazabein. A range of shampoos, tooth pastes, face creams, face washes and soaps were launched during the event.
The audience was invited to the terrace to have a look at the natural ingredients used for the products, which were on display. Lever Ayush plans to introduce more products in the near future. The evening came to an end with a musical soiree.