Arts & Entertainment

Actor Morgan Freeman in plane scare

Morgan Freeman: "We landed safely without a scratch... I cannot say the same about my plane". File Photo: AP

A private plane carrying Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman was forced to make an emergency landing, but the star and his pilot were unhurt.

The plane blew a tyre on take-off from Clarksdale, Mississippi, on Saturday.

The SJ30 jet made a forced landing in Tunica, about 40 miles (65km) away, where it went off the runway.

In a statement, the Shawshank Redemption star said: "Sometimes things don't go as planned and a tyre blew on take-off, which caused other problems."

He continued: "But thanks to my excellent pilot Jimmy Hobson we landed safely without a scratch.

"I cannot say the same about my plane. I appreciate the concern and prayers for our safety."

The 78-year-old has been nominated for seven Oscars for films including Driving Miss Daisy, Street Smart and Invictus, and won in 2005 for his role in Million Dollar Baby.


Actor Morgan Freeman in plane scare

Morgan Freeman: "We landed safely without a scratch... I cannot say the same about my plane". File Photo: AP

A private plane carrying Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman was forced to make an emergency landing, but the star and his pilot were unhurt.

The plane blew a tyre on take-off from Clarksdale, Mississippi, on Saturday.

The SJ30 jet made a forced landing in Tunica, about 40 miles (65km) away, where it went off the runway.

In a statement, the Shawshank Redemption star said: "Sometimes things don't go as planned and a tyre blew on take-off, which caused other problems."

He continued: "But thanks to my excellent pilot Jimmy Hobson we landed safely without a scratch.

"I cannot say the same about my plane. I appreciate the concern and prayers for our safety."

The 78-year-old has been nominated for seven Oscars for films including Driving Miss Daisy, Street Smart and Invictus, and won in 2005 for his role in Million Dollar Baby.


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