ACC sues Mosharraf

ACC sues Mosharraf

The Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday sued former health and family welfare minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain for laundering over Tk 9.53 crore to the United Kingdom.
ACC Director Nasim Anwar filed the case with Ramna Police Station, stating that Mosharraf had amassed the amount by misusing his power during his stint as health minister from 2001 to 2006, and deposited it with a bank in the UK.
An enquiry by the anti-graft body found that the money was kept at a joint bank account of BNP standing committee member Mosharraf and his wife Bilkis Akhter with Lloyds TSB Offshore Private Banking, St Peterport, Guernsey, Channel Island, GY 14EN, UK.
While talking to The Daily Star, Nasim said Bilkis was not accused in the case, but her role would be verified during the case investigation.
“We suspected that Khandaker got the amount as bribes, which was received in the UK,” he said, adding that the bank account now remains frozen.
According to the case statement, a report of Financial Investigation Unit, Bailiwick of Guernsey, UK cited the money was deposited in the bank account through money laundering.
Earlier, attorney general of Bangladesh on behalf of the ACC sent an MLAR (Mutual Legal Assistance Request) to his UK counterpart, seeking necessary information regarding the money laundering. The UK Attorney General's Office later responded with the information, Nasim mentioned.



ACC sues Mosharraf

ACC sues Mosharraf

The Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday sued former health and family welfare minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain for laundering over Tk 9.53 crore to the United Kingdom.
ACC Director Nasim Anwar filed the case with Ramna Police Station, stating that Mosharraf had amassed the amount by misusing his power during his stint as health minister from 2001 to 2006, and deposited it with a bank in the UK.
An enquiry by the anti-graft body found that the money was kept at a joint bank account of BNP standing committee member Mosharraf and his wife Bilkis Akhter with Lloyds TSB Offshore Private Banking, St Peterport, Guernsey, Channel Island, GY 14EN, UK.
While talking to The Daily Star, Nasim said Bilkis was not accused in the case, but her role would be verified during the case investigation.
“We suspected that Khandaker got the amount as bribes, which was received in the UK,” he said, adding that the bank account now remains frozen.
According to the case statement, a report of Financial Investigation Unit, Bailiwick of Guernsey, UK cited the money was deposited in the bank account through money laundering.
Earlier, attorney general of Bangladesh on behalf of the ACC sent an MLAR (Mutual Legal Assistance Request) to his UK counterpart, seeking necessary information regarding the money laundering. The UK Attorney General's Office later responded with the information, Nasim mentioned.



বনানী, চেয়ারম্যানবাড়ি, পোশাক শ্রমিক, যানযট, অবরোধ, এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়ে,

বনানী সড়ক-এক্সপ্রেসওয়ে বন্ধ, মানুষের চরম ভোগান্তি

পোশাক শ্রমিকদের অবরোধের কারণে এলিভেটেড এক্সপ্রেসওয়েতেও যানবাহন চলাচল বন্ধ আছে।

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